Tuesday 20 September 2016

What photography Means To Me

To me photography is all about capturing an image that means something weather its a feeling, a memory just as long as the photo represents something  this can be for personal use for a brand or a company as long as the photograph fully represents what it is being used for it is by my definition a good picture.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Final Review 

·         Has research been shown?
·         Has the purpose of the blog been explained?
·         Has Health and Safety issues been discussed in the blog?
·         Does the blog show a wide range of different media?
·         Have you explained in each post how all different media has been uploaded to your blog?
·         Has you confirmed that everything required for the blog project has been fully completed?
Read through the comment on your blog from your peers. Discuss how you feel about this feedback and how you they think you could have improved 

I feel that everything went well considering this was my first time making a blog I especially liked uploading music and videos from YouTube by embedding code. The biggest thing that I struggled with was editing music and uploading it to sound cloud.I also think I could of uploaded more post's of pictures and videos that I made or helped make in collage.

Thursday 4 February 2016

I believe I have achieved everything I need to do complete this unit please leave a comment

  • Look at other blogs

  • set up own blog

  • shown blogs used for different media

  • health and safety

  • check everything present meets it's purpose

  • set up Padlet

  • review

Thursday 28 January 2016

Audio Editting

select at least 2 mp3 files

make a piece in audacity with multiple files

export as a wave file

upload in sound cloud

embed in blog

today I have learnt to multi layer audio tracks

Digital Audio Editing

set up audacity
open audacity from on your computer make sure the sound is on output if your using headphones

show basic waveform editing

apply effects

Thursday 14 January 2016


Copyright is a way of protecting the ownership of different media for instance

the copy right for all of green days music is by warner bros music group 2013

the copy wrights for the harry potter movies are owned by Warner bros


Youtube LLC own the copy wright to youtube

The copy wrights for all the harry potter books ar owned by J.K. Rowling

Thursday 7 January 2016

Feed back on feed back

I believe the comments about my blog were fair as there was no major criticism I will do my best to improve it. and will try to keep a good standard of work going into it so you will enjoy my blog more.